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Take your learning deeper

Technical Diving


Technical diving could be called scuba diving’s “extreme sport”, taking experienced and qualified divers far deeper and further than mainstream recreational diving. Technical diving requires significantly more equipment and training requirements to manage the additional hazards of this type of diving. Tecnical diving isn’t for everyone, but for those who want to explore further, TecRec courses are the answer.


All classes offered by Cozumel Dive School follow PADI standards. 

First, some important notes on Tec diving.

Technical scuba diving means going beyond recreational scuba diving limits and may include but not limited to one or more of the following: diving beyond depths of 40 meters/130 feet, required stage decompression, diving in an overhead environment beyond 40 linear meterss/130 linear feet of the surface, accelerated decompression and/or the use of different gas blends during the same dive, use of extensive equipment and technologies


In technical diving, the surface is often inaccessible in an emergency, so Tec divers use extensive procedures, equipment, and training to manage the added risks and potential hazards. PADI TecRec courses are the quality benchmarks in the Tec diving world due to their rigorous, yet logical, training sequence and the PADI educational materials that support them. Each of the three levels introduces you to new gear and procedures to extend your dive limits.

TEC Overview

TEC 40 Course


Duration: 4 days

Cost: $750 USD 



  • Pool training session

  • Tec40 eLearning 

  • 2 shore dives

  • 2 boat dives

  • 3 decompression theory & technical dive planning workshops

  • Entrance fees & marine park passes

  • Gear rental (including 50% O2), and Shearwater dive computer

  • Certification



  • Minimum age: 18 years old

  • PADI Advanced Diver

  • Enriched Air Specialty

  • Deep Specialty (or proof of at least 10 dives to 30 m/100 ft) 

  • Minimum number of dives: 30

  • You must be able to complete the medical statement stating no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form). Regardless of your answers on the medical it needs to be signed by a physician. 

  • Dive insurance


Read more about this course below....


With the PADI Tec 40 course offered by Cozumel Dive School, you begin your adventure from the world of recreational diving to its technical dimension.


DAY ONE: You will start with the equipment customization, followed by a training session in our pool where you’ll learn how to keep trim in twins and handle various emergency situations. You will also receive a PADI Tec Diving Manual in PDF file for self-study. There are three chapters and three knowledge reviews to complete your manual.


DAY TWO: You will transfer the skills learned in the pool into the open ocean on a morning shore dive. In the afternoon you will have a workshop on decompression theory, calculating gas consumption and gas management during tec dives.


DAY THREE: You'll start with another shore dive, followed by a classroom session on planning decompression dives using Multideco software.


DAY FOUR: You will take your twin tanks on the boat, along with another tank of 50% O2 mix and make two dives, the final one being the one to 40 m/120 ft and with a maximum of 10 minutes of decompression stops. Upon meeting all the requirements and passing the exam, you will be certified as a PADI Tec 40 Diver.


Additional days of training might be required to meet performance requirements of Tec 40 certification. Extra cost of USD 150 (for a shore day) and USD 200 (for a boat day) applies.

Tec 40 Course
$750 USD

TEC 40

TEC 45 Course


Duration: 4 days

Cost: $800 USD 



  • Tec45 eLearning 

  • 1 shore dives

  • 3 training boat dives

  • 1 practice boat dive

  • 3 technical dive planning workshops

  • Entrance fees & marine park passes

  • Gear rental (including 50% O2), and Shearwater dive computer

  • Certification




Read more about this course below....


Let’s go to the next level! Padi Tec 45 taught at Cozumel Dive School is the second step in PADI Tec diving education. It teaches you how to plan & safely execute repetitive decompression dives with a single stage tank and using up to 100% oxygen for accelerated decompression.


DAY ONE: You will start by rigging the equipment and customizing it to your preferences. You will test it later on during the day, on a shore dive, followed by a workshop when Ken will take you more in-depth into decompression dive planning and gas management.


DAY TWO: ​Starts off with a morning shore dive on day two you will run simulations of emergency situations, practice shut off drills and perfect your trim. In the afternoon you will plan your next-day dives and discuss the knowledge reviews completed in your PADI Tec Diver PDF Manual.


DAY THREE: A two-dive boat trip kicks off your third day with one training dive to 30 m/100 ft and second dive entirely intended for practicing your trim in Cozumel currents. In the afternoon you will plan your next-day decompression dive to 45 m/145 ft.


DAY FOUR: Your last day of Tec 45 training includes a trip with your twin tanks on the boat, along with another tank of 50% O2 mix. The first dive will be be your training dive when you go beyond the recreational diving limit and use 50% oxygen for safe accelerated decompression. The second dive you'll use for even more trim practice and simple enjoyment of the Cozumel reefs. Upon passing the exam and meeting all the requirements, you will be certified as a PADI Tec 45 Diver.


Additional days of training might be required to meet performance requirements of Tec 45 certification. Extra cost of USD 150 (for a shore day) and USD 200 (for a boat day) applies.

Tec 45 Course
$800 USD

TEC 45

TEC 50 Course


Duration: 4 days

Cost: $850 USD



  • Tec50 eLearning 

  • 1 shore dives

  • 3 training boat dives

  • 1 practice boat dives

  • 3 technical dive planning workshops

  • Entrance fees & marine park passes

  • Gear rental (including 50% & 100% O2), and Shearwater dive computer

  • Certification




Read more about this course below....


If going to 50 m/165 ft does not sound exciting to you then... perhaps you shouldn't be a Tec Diver? The third level of PADI Tec Diver course is Tec 50 and at this stage, you are already expected to think as a Tec Diver. Planning your mission from start to finish and executing it underwater will be the primary focus of this course.


DAY ONE: You will start with equipment customization and your first dive on the shore, followed by a classroom session covering the ins and outs of Tec mission planning, accelerated decompression & gas management.


DAY TWO: ​On day two, you will go on another shore dive to practice correct responses to various emergency situations that may occur during your Tec mission dives. In the afternoon you will be busy planning your decompression dives using Multideco software.


DAYS THREE & FOUR: Both of these days will include boat trips with two dives each day. Your first dive each day will be your training dive when you go to the magical depth of 50 m/165 ft and use two gas blends (50% and 100% O2) for safe accelerated decompression. The second dives will focus on mastering your Tec Diver skills. Upon passing the exam and meeting all the requirements, you will be certified as a PADI Tec 50 Diver, a level that opens the door to the depths where only a few can explore.


Additional days of training might be required to meet performance requirements of Tec 50 certification. Extra cost of USD 150 (for a shore day) and USD 200 (for a boat day) applies.

Tec 50 Course
$850 USD

TEC 50

TEC Sidemount Course


Duration: 3 days


  • basic option $520 USD (pool & shore dives only)

  • extended option $565 USD (pool, 2 shore & 2 boat dives)



  • Tec Sidemount eLearning

  • 1 pool training session

  • 4 training shore dives (basic option)

  • 2 training shore & 2 training boat dives (extended option)

  • 1 theory session

  • 3 dry practical applications

  • Entrance fees & marine park passes

  • XDeep Classic Sidemount gear rental

  • Certification




Read more about this course below...


If you've looked into technical diving, you realize that tec divers always wear more than one tank. Sidemount is an increasingly popular way to configure multiple cylinders for technical diving. You can enter the world of tec diving with the Tec Sidemount Diver course and apply your knowledge later to other TecRec courses. You can integrate this course with the Tec 40, Tec 45 or Tec 50 courses. Upon passing the exam and meeting all the requirements, you will be certified as a PADI Tec Sidemount Diver. 


Additional days of training might be required to meet performance requirements of Tec Sidemount certification. Extra cost of USD 150 (for a shore day) and USD 200 (for a boat day) applies.

Tec Sidemount Course
Basic Option  ·  $520 USD 
Extended Option  ·  $565 USD

TEC Sidemount

Tec Courses
Payment & Cancellation

  • To reserve your spot: A non-refundable $200 USD deposit is due with your booking.

  • Full payment deadline: The first day of your course.

  • Payment options accepted: 

    • PayPal (added 5% transfer fee should be paid by student)

    • Cash (US dollars or Mexican pesos). Please contact us prior to payment for the current conversion rate to avoid shortages and extra fees

    • National bank transfer via one of our bank accounts (Mexican, Australian, Swedish, Polish, Canadian) - allow minimum 3 banking days for transfers. International transfer might be possible, allowed up to 5-7 days for international transfer and sender pays any international transfer fees.

  • Cancellation Policy & Fees: 

    • 200 USD deposit is not refundable.

    • You can change your course date at the discretion of Cozumel Dive School, free of charge and subject to weather and availability, with 24 hours notice.

    • For Christmas, New Year and Easter seasons, the cancellation notice is extended to 48 hours before your course start.

    • Read our complete Terms & Conditions for more details.

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