Practice makes perfect
Specialty Certifications
An open-water certification indicates mastery of the basic skills required to stay safe underwater, but if you really want to thrive — and enjoy diving to its fullest — it takes experience and a range of new skills, customized to your interests and the places you want to dive. Add more specialty certs to make yourself more marketable as a PADI Professional or as any level diver to enhance your underwater skills.
All classes offered by Cozumel Dive School follow PADI standards.
*Package pricing is available for some courses. See link at the bottom of course description to explore pricing and bundling options.
Duration: Half-day
Cost: $165 USD (Basic 'dry' option)
Cost: $265 USD (Extended dive option)
Minimum age = 12 years old
PADI Enriched Air Diver eLearning
With extended dive option:
Entrance fees & marine park passes
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer
Open Water Diver certification issued by PADI or another PADI-recognized organization
You must be able to complete the medical statement stating no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
Time counts! Diving with enriched air is a recreational diving tool aimed to safely extend your no-stop dive time. Because enriched air NITROX has a higher amount of oxygen than normal air does, your body absorbs less nitrogen and you get more no-decompression time, especially on repetitive dives. There is a reason the NITROX advanced learning has been PADI’s most popular specialty course ever!
BASIC "DRY" OPTION: The basic option requires no more than half-day self-study that you can conveniently do at home or in the hotel. After completing your eLearning and taking the online exam, your instructor will teach you how to analyse the content of oxygen in Nitrox tanks. This option is a 'dry' course, no Nitrox dives are required for the certification.
EXTENDED OPTION: But why not to put your new education into practice! After your course work, Cozumel Dive School will take you on two boat dives with NITROX tanks. Gear rental, use of a dive computer, EAN 32 tanks, and divemaster/instructor guide are included. You may also combine NITROX specialty with any of our other courses (Advanced Open Water Diver, Wreck Specialty, Deep Specialty, etc). Maximize your day and your learning and layer up your education!
PACKAGE OPTION: Want to save a few buck by bundling this course with some others? Click here to learn more.
Nitrox Diver Specialty
'Dry' course · $165 USD
Course + Dives · $265 USD
Package Pricing Available
Deep Diver Specialty
Duration: 2 days
Cost: $390 USD
PADI Deep Diver eLearning
4 open water dives
Entrance fees & marine park passes
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer
Minimum age = 15 years old
Adventure Diver certification issued by PADI or another PADI-recognized organization
You must be able to complete the medical statement stating no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
The lure of the deep blue! There’s something exciting and mysterious about exploring deeper dive sites while scuba diving. Sometimes it’s a wreck that attracts you below 18 m/60 ft, while on a wall dive it may be a giant fan or sponge located below your Open Water or Advanced Open Water limits. The course includes an instructor-led knowledge development, four dives, gear rental (with a dive computer), and certification.
Whatever motivates you to go deeper, the PADI Deep Diver Specialty will allow you to blow bubbles with confidence to depths of 40 m/130 ft. To gain more no-decompression time on your deep dives, combine this specialty with a NITROX course!
The Deep Diver course is also a good idea to start your journey towards Technical (Tec) Diving if you have your sights set on extending your limits even further.
Deep Diver Specialty
$390 USD
Package Pricing Available
Wreck Diver Specialty
Duration: 3 days
Cost: $470 USD
PADI Wreck Diver eLearning
1 or 2 beach dives to the blocks/wrecks in the north
2 boat dives to C-53 wreck
2 additional boat fun dives (not part of the course, can be used for combined education such as Deep or Enriched Air - NITROX course)
Entrance fees & marine park passes
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer
Minimum age = 15 years old
Adventure Diver certification issued by PADI or another PADI-recognized organization
You must be able to complete the medical statement stating no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course taught by Cozumel Dive School is another popular course, allowing you to explore the mysterious interiors of sunken ships while observing safe underwater practices with added hazards in your environment.
DAY ONE: You will hop in the water starting with one or two shore dives to explore a pair of submerged boats on the north end of the island. You'll learn how to look for points of interest, potential hazards, and local marine life inhabiting the ships. Your skills learning goal will include a survey and mapping of a wreck site.
DAY TWO: You will load your gear on a boat and enjoy a two-tank boat trip. Your first dive will offer hands-on learning by setting up penetration lines (so you can find your way out) on the outside of C-53 wreck. Your second dive will simply be a fun dive, however, you could certainly use this dive to augment your learning and use it for an Enriched Air - NITROX dive or another specialty course.
DAY THREE: You will return to the C-53 wreck. but this time you'll get the opportunity to explore what remains hidden to others when you venture inside the sunken ship. Yes! It's as exciting as it sounds! While using a penetration line, a reel and underwater light for safe navigation, you'll swim through the inner tunnels to the engine room, the head (aka: bathroom), and other interesting sights inside the wreck, Your second dive on day three can serve as a fun dive or extended course learning from our other specialty offerings.
Wreck Diver Specialty
$470 USD
Package Pricing Available
Sidemount Diver Specialty
Duration: minimum 3 days
Cost: $475 USD (Basic option)
Cost: $520 USD (Extended option)
PADI Sidemount Diver eLearning
1 pool training session
Basic option: 3 shore dives
Extended option: 1 shore dive + 2 boat dives
Entrance fees & marine park passes
XDeep Classic Sidemount gear rental, including dive computer & DSMB
Minimum age = 15 years old
Open Water Diver certification issued by PADI or another PADI-recognized organization
You must be able to complete the medical statement stating no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
Add a little spice to your diving and leave the standard scuba gear set-up behind. Or, maybe you have your heart set on becoming a certified Tec Diver or Cave Diver down the road?
The PADI Sidemount Diver course offered by Cozumel Dive School is a great way to start a journey from recreational to technical diving but also to challenge yourself with a totally new equipment setup. Two standard size tanks are clipped on a harness along the flanks of your body so you don’t need to carry anything on your back anymore. Just step in the water, clip the cylinders on and go!
DAY ONE: You will start by learning how to assemble, adjust and setup your Sidemount rig. After that we do a pool session with skills and get in trim in the new set-up.
DAY TWO: We will go shore diving to make sure you feel confident and know how to respond correctly to potential problems while sidemount diving.
DAY THREE: We will either go to the shore again or on a boat trip.
XDeep gear rental (with a dive computer & DSMB), instructor-led guidance, PADI eLearning and certification are included.
Additional days of training might be required to meet performance requirements of Sidemount Diver certification. Extra cost of USD 100 (for a shore day) and USD 150 (for a boat day) applies.
OPTIONAL: Instead of three shore dives (basic option), get familiar with your new gear set-up on one shore followed by two boat dives on the second day (extended option).
Sidemount Specialty
Basic Option · $475 USD
Extended Option · $520 USD
Package Pricing Available
Technical Specialty
Duration: Varies
TEC 40 $750 USD
TEC 45 $800 USD
TEC 50 $850 USD
TEC Sidemount $520/ $565 USD
If you’re after more ambitious diving, enjoy challenging your mind and body with new tasks, or maybe you're dreaming of joining expeditions to deep dive sites then technical diving might be for you!
Tec diving is not always about going deeper, it is about the adventure and thrill of going to places that only a few have seen before. However, be advised that technical diving is not for everyone. You need to come to terms with the added risk, training, cost, and commitment it involves. If you’re ready to work hard and make an investment in your scuba training to become a Tec diver, you are well on your way to the world of elite divers.
TEC 40: The PADI Tec 40 course is where you transition from recreational scuba diving to technical diving.You will qualify to make limited decompression dives to 40 metres/130 feet. If you’ve earned the PADI Adventure Diver rating or higher, Enriched Air & Deep Speciality, you’re at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 30 dives, you can enroll in the Tec 40 course.
TEC 45: The PADI Tec 45 course is the second part of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program. Using a single decompression cylinder you’ll make accelerated decompression dives using EANx up to 50%. If you’ve earned the PADI Rescue Diver rating or higher, Tec 40 certification and have a minimum of 50 dives, you can enroll in the Tec 45 course.
TEC 50: The third part of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program is Tec 50. Using up to two gases in your decompression cylinders you’ll make accelerated decompression dives using EANx and pure O2. If you’ve earned the Tec 45 and have a minimum of 100 dives, you can enroll in the Tec 50 course.
Dive Against Debris
Duration: Half-day
Cost: $160 USD
1 shore dive
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer
Instructor-led knowledge development session
Entrance fees
Minimum certification: PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or correspondent)
Minimum age = 10 years or older
You must be in good physical shape and be able to complete the medical statement stating that you have no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
We see human impact on our planet at every turn. As divers, we see what others might not realize: that much of the trash ends up in the oceans. What if we could make a difference while doing what we love? Become a citizen scientist and join Dive Against Debris crew in their struggle to keep the ocean clean! We will take you to Caletita, a dive site adopted by our school within Adopt a Dive Site program. You will get all the gear needed plus a pair of protective gloves and a mesh bag to collect non-organic waste. Your instructor will show you what to look for, how to separate, weigh and record the collected litter onto a Project AWARE debris data sheet and then submit it in the program. Gear rental (with a dive computer, gloves, mesh bag), instructor guidance and certification are included.
Dive Against Debris
$160 USD
Package Pricing Available
Self Reliant Specialty
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $210 USD
3 shore dives
Instructor-led knowledge development session
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer & DSMB
Entrance fees
Minimum age = 18 years or older
Minimum certification: PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or correspondent)
Minimum 100 logged dives
You must be in good physical shape and be able to complete the medical statement stating that you have no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
A great course to learn how to stay safe as a solo diver. It is not always easy to find buddies to dive with but when you’re self-reliant, you don’t need to wait until you find a company. Perfect idea for underwater photographers! The course teaches you the value of equipment redundancy, expands your dive planning knowledge, perfects your navigation & DSMB deployment skills and trains you to manage dive emergencies independently. It definitely makes you a stronger partner in a dive pair or team. The price includes 3 shore dives, gear rental (with a dive computer and DSMB), instructor-led knowledge development and certification.
Self Reliant Specialty
$210 USD
Package Pricing Available
Equipment Specialist
Duration: 1 day (dry course)
Cost: $165 USD
Instructor-led workshop
PADI Equipment Specialist eLearning
Minimum age = 10 years or older
Minimum certification level: PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or correspondent)
Read more about this course below...
Get more independent as a diver and impress your dive buddies with being able to manage basic repairs and adjustments of scuba gear yourself! Changing a bad O-ring, repairing a broken fin strap or even fixing some leaks in your regulator: all these will be covered by your eLearning and instructor-led practical workshop. You will go more in depth of how your equipment works and become more savvy when it comes to investing in new gear.
Peak Performance
Duration: Half-day
Cost: $235 USD
PADI PPB Diver eLearning
2 shore dives
Entrance fees
Scuba gear rental, including dive computer
Minimum age = 10 years or older
Minimum certification level: PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or correspondent)
You must be in good physical shape and be able to complete the medical statement stating that you have no contraindications to diving (see PADI Medical Form)
Read more about this course below...
Would you like to improve your buoyancy control? Glide over the reef effortlessly, learn how to use a powerful tool of your lungs more efficiently? How about improving your air consumption and finning techniques?
Bring your buoyancy skills to the next level and learn how to perfect your trim, adjust your weight system to dive conditions, hover in various positions and get more confidence as a diver.
Peak Performance Buoyancy
$235 USD
Package Pricing Available
Recreational Courses
Payment & Cancellation
To reserve your spot: A non-refundable $200 USD deposit is due with your booking.
Full payment deadline: The first day of your course.
Payment options accepted:
PayPal (added 5% transfer fee should be paid by student)
Cash (US dollars or Mexican pesos). Please contact us prior to payment for the current conversion rate to avoid shortages and extra fees
National bank transfer via one of our bank accounts (Mexican, Australian, Swedish, Polish, Canadian) - allow minimum 3 banking days for transfers. International transfer might be possible, allowed up to 5-7 days for international transfer and sender pays any international transfer fees.
Cancellation Policy & Fees:
200 USD deposit is not refundable.
You can change your course date at the discretion of Cozumel Dive School, free of charge and subject to weather and availability, with 24 hours’ notice.
For Christmas, New Year and Easter seasons, the cancellation notice is extended to 48 hours before your course start.
Read our complete Terms & Conditions for more details.